Beiträge von Ilsebilse2015

    Ich halte es für große Wiesen-Champignons, dem Foto und den "Fransen" nach. Auch scheint dies einer der beliebtesten Pilze in Syrien zu sein:


    "The surveys carried out in the three countries generally showed that, due to lack of knowledge on wild mushroom species, the interest in edible mushrooms is relatively low in both Jordan and Syria. However, three specific species, Cantharellus cibarius, Boletus aereus and Morcchella esulenta, are very much appreciated by the local populations, although they can only be found for a very short period of the year. Agaricus campestris is also well known and frequently eaten, as is Lapiota procera. Another popular specie, the desert truffle, grows in all three countries in steppe areas, in symbiosis with Helianthemum racemosum and Cistus sp. Finally, two other species, belonging to the genus Tirmania and Terfezia (Ascomycetae), can be found in the project area. These are usually collected during March and April and sold in the local markets, as well as exported to other Arabic countries (Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, etc.). "